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Copd is a inflammation disease now is there anything else that I can do to help myself with this problem and I'm very aware of our medication helps with this also but food can make it worse we don't need more of this and thank you for your time and help 😊

  1. michelleforsythe,
    Lots of different things cause increased inflammation in the lungs. Diet (as you mentioned), pollutants, ozone levels when it is hot outside, temps over 85 (in the 90's and above can be dangerous), pollen, mold, strong cooking smells, strong cleaning supplies smells, dust, animal dander and hair, the list can go on and on. What bothers me might not bother you. Everyone is different. My best suggestion is figure out what bothers your lungs (causes inflammation or flare ups) and avoid them like a plague. Take care and God Bless.

    1. Hi , and thanks for your comment and inquiry. You make a good point about inflammation being a component of chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD), and we appreciate you weighing in with your personal perspective.
      I see our good community member, , has also responded to your remarks. He has expressed some 'spot on' ideas of his own. I do hope you have an opportunity to look them over at your leisure.
      If there is anything we can do to assist you, please let me or any other moderator / team member know. You are always welcome here in our online community.
      All the best,
      Leon (site moderator

      1. , I will only mention what has not been talked about yet. Humidity! Yes, inside and outside, horrible rather it is to high or to low. We have an HVAC to heat and cool the house, but it can not always keep up, especially right now, so we have purchased a dehumidifier to help. During the winter months of course then the heat goes on and the humidity drops, to dry in the house, thus we purchased a humidifier for that season. For my personal comfort I tend to like the humidity around the 40% mark inside. Strange enough outside is a little different, that depends on the air quality, movement and temps, but when its heavy in the mornings or later evenings, again it sucks the wind right out.

        Certain isles in the Stores that carries all those strong smells, I try to avoid, if I have to I will of course get the items myself, but if I am by myself, I will ask an employee to help if one is available.

        Direct wind in my face. True, I wear oxygen, but found when a strong wind, breeze or say walking in from outside and a strong temperature change or at stores when the heat or cooling is on, just before that 2nd door you feel that poof of air, yip that is the one, has sent me to the hospital immediately a couple times with exasperation. I now have to make sure not only is my mask on, but my head needs to be down to get through that 2nd door. Outside, well you get that I'm sure.

        Hoping this is helpful.

        Please read our rules before posting.