I'm going to lungs Dr the 28 to find out more but I have a hard time talking I feel like I can't get enough air to talk so I'm quite then everyone thinks I'm mad. Dose any one else have this problem?
patti4fred Member
Last Updated:
Yes I have problems talking and singing because I run out of breath real easily, I feel your pain....
hite1955 Member
Last Updated:
This is SCARY 😦 When I am using the EASYSTAND to help Me to go to Commade and back to Wheelchair 🦼 if am I talk in’ I ‘ok run out of talking power too
hite1955 Member
Last Updated:
Good NEWS!!
When I went to get My PULMONARY LUNG FUNCTION TEST one 2020.DEC.07 — was 50% — 48% a Low COPD Stage II — High COPD Stage III — when on 2017.NOV.16 — I was ONLY 39% — a VERY LOW and DANGEROUS 39% COPD Stage III and ONLY 9% from Being a COPD Stage IV ( 4 )!!!!!!
Leon Lebowitz, RRT Member
Last Updated:
Hi again, HITE1955, and thanks for sharing your diagnostic test result comparison with the community. It sounds like you are feeling much better about the current results.
Keep up the good work! We appreciate your feedback.
The problem as I interpret it, you have too much air in your lungs. Try controlled breathing three or four times a day. Pursed lips, to clear the CO2 out of your lungs.
Also work on some upper body exercises to let your other muscles do some of the work.
Being calm helps. Don't breathe so hard and take the pursed lip process seriously. It will help you relax.
I recommend a pulmonary rehab program.
nanadee Member
Last Updated:
I have this problem alot too. I just feel like I am running out of breath will I speak. I kind of gasp for air, finally I just quit talking.