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flares and exacerbations

would like to be more informed about managing copd flares and exacerbations

  1. ,
    It is definitely an important subject to be informed about. The problem is that everyone's flare ups (exacerbations) are different. Different things cause flare up for each individual. Each individual's reactions and flare up management is as individual as they are. So, there is no single answer to cover flare ups and management for all. I would suggest keeping notes on what irritates your breathing and causes extra mucus and what causes you to have difficulty breathing. Then do your best to avoid these things. For me, it is hot weather, windy days, dust, animal hair and dander, pollen, strong cooking smells, strong cleaning solution smells, to name a few. As far as management of these flare ups goes, that is a discussion for you to have with your medical team. Having a plan to manage these flare ups is going to save a trip or two to the ER. So please discuss this with your medical team. Take care and God Bless!

    1. Hi . offers you some great insight and advice. Here is an article that might help as well: Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

      1. Hi. That is a great question that you ask. And I see you received some responses from and my colleague . I agree with their responses, and feel you may find them helpful -- including the links that Lori has offered. Did you get a chance to check them out? That said, I am curious how you are doing? Are you currently experiencing a flare-up -- or are you having many of them? Is there anything further you can share with the community? Wishing you all the best. John. community moderator.

        1. I am new here I am being mindful of what are my triggers, this is not easy right now everything triggers me . I hope I can gain control at some point. Or this maybe just a new way of life for me. I just found this site I am not feeling alone. thank you

          1. , we are so glad you found us! Our community is here to offer you any support we can. We have a few articles on managing flares that you might find helpful: All the best, Sam S. (COPD team).

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