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Diagnosed with upper lobe cance

Along with my 6-7 yr fight with copd, I’ve now been cursed with a terminal lung cancer. Hospice has taken over my care (what a group of angels they are). Variety of pain meds, etc....Coming to terms with ‘the end’ is really weird. Wife and daughter are a godsend though. We talk, cry, and laugh through a lot of stuff now. Mamas finally getting her hardwood floor, with new furniture to boot! She’s gonna love it. I hope I get to see it before I go! The couch is huge!!!! By chance .... is anyone else going thru a terminal diagnoses on here? If so, I’d love to swap some thoughts . Or just talk about anything,

With love

  1. Hi Randy,
    My name is Peter. I came across your post and just wanted to say "hello". I am not going through a "terminal diagnoses", that I know off, but since 2003 and a no fault motor vehicle accident, I have added several nasty conditions to my health resume, COPD stage 4, being the tamest of them. It's not a dream existence, especially on my own, and scary even. I am truly beginning to wonder how many more serious conditions I will encounter, before my health finally brings me to my knees. If you feel Id be worthwhile chatting to I am here,

    Warmest Regards,


    1. , contending with that diagnosis is so difficult but it sounds like you have an amazing support system around you. We are here to offer you any support we can, you are definitely not alone in this experience! While I am confident other members of our community will chime in with their experience, in the meantime here are a few articles that you might find helpful:,, All the best, Sam S. (, team member).

      1. Hey Randy. I'm glad you're here on the site and can spend some time with us. It sounds like you have a great relationship with your family at this point, which is so helpful. Like you, I can't say enough positive things about hospice and the incredible work they do for people approaching the end of life. I hope they free you up to spend more time with your family and feel a bit more comfortable.

        You might be interested in knowing we have a site like this one for people with lung cancer -- you can find it at Of course, you are also welcome to share here as much as you want. Try to take things one day at a time -- we are all here for you! Sending you support and care. -Melissa, team

        1. Hi ! Thank you for opening up with us about what you are going through. The only thing I can compare it to is taking care of my dad who was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer and passing a few months later. I lived with him and took care of him then and we had hospice as well. They were a godsend. I may not be able to relate but I'm always here if you ever need to talk. I see Melissa has pointed you in the right direction. It sounds like you have a great support of family. I'm happy to hear that for you. Take care. Best, Jackie (Moderator)

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