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Dental work and trilogy

I have a trilogy I use every night to sleep, today I got dental work done for an infection from a broken tooth and I do have one stitch. I have called procare and a nurses help line but it's the weekend and nobody can seem to tell me if it's ok to use my mask to sleep after having the dental work?

  1. Hi mcarlson, and thanks for your post and question - it's a good one! You may be aware we cannot provide medical advice or diagnostics over the internet (for your own safety), but your concern certainly warrants a reply.
    First, I would think (and hope), the dentist's office would have an emergency contact for weekend and after hours coverage. If that turns out not to be the case, you may want to reach out to your doctor's office (the one who prescribed the Trilogy ventilator with mask). They too 'should' have an emergency contact for after hours when the office is closed.
    In the absence of any kind of professional contact/support, I would think you'll have to make this decision for yourself. Let me see if I can provide you with key information/ questions to help you make the best decision for yourself.

    Is the mask you are using with the Trilogy ventilator snug fitting?
    When you put the mask on now (following the dental work), is it comfortable or, does the mask fitment cause pain where the dental work was performed?
    Do you need the Trilogy machine at night to sleep?
    Do you have an alternative when, for whatever reason, you cannot use the Trilogy ventilator?

    Some of these concerns, depending on how you answer them for yourself, may help guide you towards a practical, safe, and therapeutic answer as to how to proceed.
    Clearly, mcarlson, this is not the sort of question that we can answer for you - but I am hopeful, depending on how you are feeling, you will be able to make a determination that will serve you safely until you can contact your own caregivers.
    What do you think?

    Since your post is from about 9 hours ago, how were you able to manage last night?

    Leon (site moderator

    1. Thank you for your help. I forgot to ask them when I was leaving the office. I have the tendency to overthink when it comes to stuff like this. Luckily my friend who took me helped calm my nerves a little by showing me something online from a dentist who also uses a mask.
      The mask does fit and is comfortable. Yes I use it to sleep with, I can only sleep on my sides, I'm very overweight and I sleep at an incline. The real test is how it will be in my left side. Again, thank you for your help.

      1. Hi again, mcarlson - I am glad we were able to be of some assistance. When it comes to caring for oneself following a procedure, I don't feel there is such a thing as 'over thinking!' From my perspective, each patient should be as well informed and prepared to be able to manage whatever ensues following the procedure. Thankfully, you have the support of your friend.
        Do you plan on sleeping with the Trilogy ventilator tonight? If you don't mind, please do check back tomorrow and let us know how this all turns out for you.
        Wishing you a good and comfortable night.
        Leon (site moderator

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