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Connecting with other

Hi all I don't come on here often but really need to connect with other I do isolate from people and its no good that I do this I'm stage 4 of my illness and feeling scared just came out of hospital was on Oxygen for 5 days when I came home my breathing seemed better but I was still on steroids and that was why. I'm now feeling like I was before I went into hospital 😩 anyway I'm glad I came back to the forum and looking forward to hearing from you
Warm wishes all

  1. Thank you Amy it's 11.45 here in London I forget the time difference
    I'm off to bed now so take care an thanks for reaching out

    1. Ginger thank you for coming back to the forum, you are always welcome here and we love hearing from you. I am sorry it has been isolating lately, a stage 4 diagnosis is no easy feat. I am sorry you have to go through this. I am sure it will take you some time to get back to how you were feeling before the hospital stay, be gentle with yourself, it will take time. We are here for you and rooting for you always. Sending love. 💛 Best, Amani ( Team)

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