I have A- fib as well as COPD, my meds were cposting me $ 100.00 a month however yesterday I went to pick up my meds and the cost went up to almost $ 400.00 after insurance due to something called a gap in my insurance . this gap is a point where I have to pay more for my meds until I reach an amount set by insurance then insurance will pay most of my meds. Problem comes in were I can't afford my meds at that price and I don't have Medicaid due to my age ( 63) which would help pay the remainder of what Medicare doesn't pay. My only option is to run out of meds and allow myself to have to go into the hospital because even my Drs won't return my phone calls, referral dept. Won't either, and neither will nurses. Appts for test aren't getting set either. At this point I'm giving up on my illness. Nothing working any more.