First I want to say that I am very happy to live in the Netherlands. Our insurance is wonderful. They pay for everything. Next Friday they are going to test me to see if I am bad enough for putting valves into my lungs. I have COPD 4 now and it is late stage. Two years ago I got lung cancer and the radiation damaged a lot of lung tissue.
I can only walk up five steps. Luckily I have a loving and retired husband who drives me everywhere, pushes my wheelchair etc. We can afford a cleaning woman, I have a stair elevator and a beautiful garden. My iPad is a part of my world. For the record: I have not smoked for over 14 years.
This is my story in short. Sorry for my english and for my iPad, it does not know what I am writing, I am used to dutch!
Happy and a healthful 2016.
-Marina Zwerver
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