Last updated: November 2016

Hello, I was having a hard time trying to sleep so I finally just got up and got on my computer. I came across this website and here I am. My Dad had COPD. I couldn't tell you how many times he quit smoking only to start again. He used to beg me to quit.

In 2005 he became very ill and went to the hospital. My brother and I both received calls telling us that we needed to come in and meet with the doctor and a social worker. We were told that Dad could not live alone anymore and that we should consider hospice. My brother made his excuses and left, leaving me to figure it out so I met with hospice and we went to the house and got everything set up (hospital bed, oxygen, etc.) for the hospital to dismiss him. With much uncertainty I packed up my apartment, left my life, and drove the 30 miles back to my hometown to become his caregiver.

The next few months were too much to write about but I will say that as hard as they were, I will forever cherish that time with my dad. At the time, I never knew or understood what he was going through. He would ask, "Do you think I could light up a cigarette?" and I'd say "Daddy, if you did you would probably blow up with that oxygen." We'd laugh a little and then I'd go out in the backyard to smoke. He died 6 months after I heard of COPD for the first time and a year and a half later I found myself in the hospital being told that I have COPD. I had to have open heart surgery in 2010 and I have not had a cigarette since. I am Stage 3 now and I learn more each day about this COPD monster. Now I am trying to figure out how to make my children understand it.

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