So Tired
I am on my 13th year with COPD. It has gone from each year becoming a little more difficult to now it seems each month brings new problems. In March I was hospitalized two times, 10 days each from a COPD exacerbation.
After the hospitalizations
I came home on oxygen after the 2nd stay and now am on 5 liters. I have an undefined mass on my upper left node and the pulmonologist wants to perform a bronchoscopy but as I am easily winded from something as simple as walking a few steps it has been put off. The plan it seems is to put me on prednisone again which has its own problems. I was on it for three weeks after the 2nd hospital stay and the constipation I experienced for the first time in my life did not go away but has instead become chronic. I also got horrific heartburn from it as well as trouble sleeping.
I am on end stage COPD and do my best to stay positive. I can say I would not wish this disease on my worst enemy and hope one day in the future we as a society will show the same compassion for those of us with a terminal illness as we do for animals who's suffering we humanely end.
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