Panic Attack

Thirty five or so years ago I used to wake up in the night not being able to breathe. I even got out of the house to breathe fresh air. Felt weak, thought I was going to die - was having a real panic attack. It took a while before I would settle. After a year or so I had a real bad attack. It was so scary.

I decided to see a doctor

I got an appointment with a doctor. He suggested if it happened again before the Montreal Chest Hospital could set me for a test, put a paper bag over my head and breathe, it might help. That same night I did try it - it seemed to work. A few days later I had a test and I was diagnosed as having asthma.

Other lung issues in addition to asthma

That's the year I quit smoking. Jan 1988. My doctor prescribed salbutamol 4 times a day. I often forgot but over the years I had lung infection. I was given Flovent and a green puffer for a while but lately I had a chest CT scan of the lungs with iodine. I think the report shows I had emphysema lately having a lot of obstruction in my lungs. My doctor put me on Incruse Ellipta once a day but after a week or so when I sit a certain way some mucus builds up and I have to get up to cough it up. I find that my breathing is very shallow when I exercise a bit I get sleepy right after.

Looking for help

This is a new change in me. Since I am not followed by the proper doctor for this, how do I get hold of someone to help? I am sure my doctor is only guessing trying to help. I live 50 miles from Montreal, Canada. He only comes to our residence and he has many patients... Could take weeks just to see him. Any help would be appreciated.

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