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One in 2500!!

I am an ALPHA 1. This is a genetic (inherited) condition. It affects about one in every 2500 people. My Geno type is MZ and am at level 112. What does this all mean... it means I am a carrier of a genetic disorder that effects the production of a protein that helps to protect my lungs. There is nothing I can do about this, at least at the present time. What I am doing is volunteering for as many clinical studies as I can. If you have COPD you [can] be tested for ALPHA 1... not for yourself, but for your children, grand children, great grandchildren, and society in general. You can be tested for free, it is just a simple blood test... try Get your siblings tested, and any of your descendants should also be tested. I started to smoke around 15, if someone could have told me that I am an ALPHA and if I smoke it will be "when", not "if" I will lose my chance as a happy breather. Why aren't we testing more people... isn't the life of one person worth it?

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[Editor's Note: content edited according to Community Rules so as not to provide medical advice.]

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