My Wake Up Call

My life changed not only due to COPD but because I went through respiratory failure where I was struggling so hard to breathe that I was turning blue. The problem was I didn't know I was turning blue just knew I couldn't sleep that night. My husband called an ambulance for me and the paramedics arrived to assist me. I couldn't stop clenching a chair to hold on to it. That night the paramedics took me to a local hospital where treatment for this disease had begun.

I spent the next five days in the hospital and didn’t come off of oxygen. I went home on oxygen and have been on it ever since. One of the things this episode taught me is don’t give up on yourself. I spent two months out of work and it’s been taking time to build back up strength. I’m not perfect in any means but I'm breathing and alive. My husband and daughter help me by just being by my side.

I am still learning every day - I use two different maintenance inhalers to help open up my airways. I have a rescue inhaler for days when I need it. Mainly had to learn what pace I could walk in without tiring me out. Every day is a learning curve when you have to figure out how much oxygen to bring with you before going to event like the movies or out to dinner.

I try really hard not to get depressed and live my life - even if some people don't understand this disease at all. You can say this night back in October 2015 was my wake up call and turning point to stop beating myself up.

I quit smoking and my lungs are clear. My lungs just can't hold the air without the oxygen, which wears me out. Sad part is I know I'm not alone.

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