My Story

Hello fellow COPD travelers.

About 7 years ago, I was rushed to the hospital with pneumonia. I didn't even know I had it. Only sign was a severe pain in my ribs towards my back. I was in pretty bad shape, and my organs were shutting down.

Thanks to great doctors, and a lot of luck, I was out in a week. I was still very weak and tired and a bit depressed. I was diagnosed with stage 4 COPD. I moped at home for a few months then my pulmonologist recommended a rehab program that saved my life and has me doing pretty well, actually very well.

I started on the treadmill at .8mph for 20 minutes. Now I go to a gym 2-3 days a week and walk at 2.8-3mph on the treadmill for an hour. I only use oxygen at night, as I passed the walking test and the lung test and Medicare took my tanks away. While I feel quite good, I am a realist. I know I have a disease that only gets worse, but the exercise is slowing the grim reaper down. I feel great 6 out of 7 days. I won't tell you how I feel the 7th day because I'm sure you know the feeling! I speak to each new group at the rehab center every 8 weeks or so, just to encourage them to keep moving. I am anxious to learn from all of you.


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