After having recurring mouth ulcers for nine years I have at last found relief.

I was prescribed a tetracycline mouth wash from a specialist which I had made up from a compounding pharmacist for about $90 a script. The mouthwash would last about five days but two days after I finished the ulcers would recur. I spent many nights lying in bed in pain in tune with my breathing.

I went back to my local GP a couple of weeks ago and he gave me a script for 100mg doxycycline capsules. I broke the capsule open and then smashed the capsules with the handle end of a spoon in a glass with 40ml water. (My version of a mortar and pestle).

I used this as a mouthwash twice a day and found my ulcers gone within 48 hours. I swirled the mouthwash around for about five minutes each time I used it.

I have not had them recurring for over two weeks now and to me this is simply a miracle. The cost of the tablets were about Australian $9.10 for 25 capsules.

I don't know if this will work for other people as I realise that some people are allergic to antibiotics but if there are any others out there going through the pain I have gone through I can suggest you give it a try.

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