Hi, I am 61 years old and have had COPD since I was 48. I am now at 24% capacity. I try to walk every day and if I can't I dance in my house. I am single. I use oxygen at night and during the day my stat is at 94%, so not enough to use oxygen during the day but I get out of breath even changing changing my clothes.
I also lost a brother with COPD, he was 63 and I have one brother that is about bedridden on oxygen 6 lt. and uses the Cpap too. 24/7. His capacity is 15%. They say our COPD isn't genetic. I think it is.
I have recently looked into LVRS, Lung Volume Reduction Surgery. I was just wondering if anyone has had it. I would go to the University of Michigan to have it. So anyone out there have it yet?
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