Hello, I was diagnosed in 1995 with severe emphysema. After 3 weeks in the hospital I was sent home to die. After a few weeks of feeling sorry for myself and my family, my husband and I decided to seek a second opinion.

With my COPD diagnosis, I had to fight

I was 45, with a full life ahead of me. My family and career were at risk. It was time to fight. We found an aggressive young pulmonologist, so we were off and running. Thanks to him life changed for us. Pulmonary Rehab, trying new medications, discussing lung reduction, lung transplant and most importantly mental health.

Stage 4 COPD and lung cancer

I am now 70 years old with stage 4 COPD, recently diagnosed with lung cancer - both lungs early stages. My lungs are not strong enough for surgery. I've gone through the first round of radiation and waiting for my next CAT scan. I have been on oxygen 24/7 for 10 plus years.

Trying to align my mind and body

I think my biggest obstacle is my mind tells me I can do anything but my body says no you can't. I get angry, sad, frustrated, and think I am just a lazy person, which really kills me because I am a fighter. However, it is starting to wear me down and now with the isolation from COVID and everything else going on in the world. I am truly losing my fight. Praying for better days ahead.

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