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Life changes but never let it win

I was told a few years ago that I had COPD. I couldn't come to terms with this news and still carried on smoking cigarettes. I was not thinking about my family and how they'd be without me around.

It was on March 16 that I gave up smoking after 35+ years. I woke up early to get thing's sorted for my Daughter's 18th birthday party later on in the day. Coming downstairs I didn't feel right and the wife said that's it your having the doctor to come and see you. She rang up our surgery and was told to phone for an ambulance. To cut it short I ended up in hospital for a week on oxygen. That's when I said to the family that I was quitting smoking. Since giving up my diet as got better and I can taste what I am eating.

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I had to see my consultant just after coming out of hospital and the news wasn't very good. He informed me that I had to have partial lung removal. I was shocked as that meant that I wouldn't have full lung capacity in both sides as I had partial lung removal done 30 years ago because I kept having pneumothorax problems. I saw the surgeon general that will be doing the operation if it is OK with the anesthetist as I have problems with anesthetic. If I can't have the operation there will be nothing they can do. But as I said to my wife that will not stop me doing the things that I love.

Too many of us think that having COPD is the end of the world. Well let me tell you, it isn't. I am still doing karate 3 times a week and even though I am not as fast as I used to be I find it really helps. I swim every day without fail and I try and walk 2 miles a day. So as you see, you can still do the things you have done.

You control your illness don't let it control you. Please don't give up what life you have still got.

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