Am I in Denial?
I was diagnosed with COPD - Mild in 2018. Around same time I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea - Severe. I was skeptical about Sleep Apnea diagnosis. Testing showed I stopped breathing about 32.6 times per hour.
Treatment didn't make a difference for me
I was given a PAP machine and inhaler. I had heard from others that once they got on PAP machine they felt so much better. I diligently used it for over a year and didn't feel any difference. Inhaler didn't seem to make any difference.
Adjusting my treatment regimen
I moved from Oregon to Nebraska last Sept. and haven't used my PAP since I've been here. Soon I'm going to stop my Spiriva. It is so expensive and I don't feel anything from using it all this time. I was lucky in being pretty healthy my whole life but as the saying goes "sooner or later the sh--t is going to hit the fan." I have diabetes and have had Below Knee Amputation.
As the title of my story says: I'm just in denial. I am going kicking and screaming into my final years.
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