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Emphysema and Confusion

Went to a small rural hospital with some minor chest pains in February. Due to previous heart issues several test were performed and I spent the night. Home the next day with suggestion to see my Cardiologist also warned that on the chest x-rays there appeared to be some strange nodules. Saw my primary physician a few days later and set appointment to have a CT. CT radiologist and physician report both then confirmed no cancer but severe emphysematous changes- knew what that meant so off I went to the pulmo doctor Friday. Diagnosis severe emphysema. Basically stage three but further pulmonary testing to follow in next two weeks due to current sinus infection.

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These test I also understand and know that they will determine a more exact prognosis/diagnosis but looking at the CT with doctor Friday it looks like "crap". Here is the problem with me and pulmonologist says it is because I have refused to allow myself to stop the normal activity I engage in have refused to just sit down and be on a steady road to death.

So- here is the confusion for me personally. Friday I also took a three hour series of heart test which included a treadmill stress test which I passed with flying covers- much winded when finished but recovered fairly quickly. Since February I have walked a mile every day and most days a mile and a half. Can do my own 6minute walk test and walked 1868 feet which I thought was not bad. Exercised a little at doctor office and oxygen level from rest to exercise finish never below 91. Folks I saw the CT and it does look bad so why am I able to do the walking and other things without the shortness of breath- and I do mean no real shortness of breath- tired at the end and do rest for a few minutes to recover but otherwise doing fine. Mucus production and removal with sinus infection is a major disaster but will not go into that here-Meds for that started Friday for that.

So here it is 68 year old male, smoked for 52 years, previous heart issues but meds keep that part good. Have not smoked since February 26 and never will again- just simply said stop!! Walk every day- BMI-26.0. Opinion wanted about what you folks think my life span may be- the one thing I am really concerned with!!!!!

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