I am a mom of three kids and a wife and all my life I been a fighter. I went through a divorce and three custody battles and won them all and been a single parent but I never forget October 2 2017 went I went to the doctor in tears saying I can't breathe, I can't sleep and I would wake up at 3am everyday with a headache that was so bad I would get sick.

So on that day my doctor said well you need oxygen (because I was in the 70%) and I'm sending you to a specialist. Also here's a note for work your done with work and I don't know if you will be able to go back.

At that I was ok - it didn't hit me. In 2018 at the specialist, they said that I have severe COPD and emphysema and asthma. He said I only 20% of breathing capabilities left so I at stage 4 and at that time I was only 33.

Today I'm 36 and now on 8 liters of oxygen. I still have hard time coping with this but I take day by day with my family. It's been a big mess just because I look ok on the outside I not ok inside. I feel bad because I feel like a burden to them all but I trying to be patient with them and my self.

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