Bad timing

Last updated: July 2019

I have been treated for sinus issues ever since we moved to Kentucky. This last year was terrible weather due to climate change and I assumed the sinus issues were part of that. I ended up finding I have COPD when I went to the ER because of difficulty breathing. I was in shock and denial. I got hives from the prescribed inhaler, so I stopped taking it and went along rather merrily till last week when I had a severe asthma attack in my daughter's yard. It was no fun at all! Took me 3 days to get over it.

Making adjustments

Decided to no longer color my hair because the chemicals are 'bad' for those with COPD, or so I am told. The sleepiness is a royal pain as I liked to take morning brisk walks to wake me up. Will I ever get used to this? I am 75, and have been told by my 42-year-old daughter that I've been cranky. Isn't that a given?

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