My story @ 67 Years of age.

Hello to all of the people out there finding it hard to catch a breath when you try to do something other than stay still.

I have COPD (emphysema) My dad had it as well, he was 68. He was a heavy smoker and worked in industry as I did, and to beat all I developed it around the same time in life.

Difficulty breathing and hospitalization

Because of my own stubbornness and ego, I waited too long to nip the bud. I had fluid coming out of my legs and all I was doing was leaning at my kitchen counter and smoking and eating, mostly junk. Three years ago I made a call for an ambulance to take me to the Hospital. My breathing was not very good at all, so it was either make the call or die.

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After the ambulance picked me up at my house I remember nothing until I woke up in ICU two days later on a machine pushing oxygen into my lungs. I was not a happy camper. Nobody's fault but my own. Three years later I am on oxygen 24/7 not bad If I am not exerting myself but when I do my blood oxygen level drops to between 75-84. Then it's trying to calm yourself enough to get your breath back.

My treatment plan

Besides the oxygen 24/7, I am also taking, Symbicort; Incruse; Ventolin; and Atrovent. Don't ask if they are working because I'm not sure what it be without them. There is a lot more that took and is taking place with my everyday life that is controlled. I don't have the time or energy to continue at this moment.

Thank you very much for your ear.

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