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"Since I had LVRS last summer, I have a whole new normal - without supplemental O2 and that is a better result than I anticipated. I should be grateful, right? So why am I more tired and weak, unsteady and afraid I'll fall. In fact, I have fallen twice, both times with no real damage except to my belief I can stay on my feet. I have always been a hasty kind of person naturally rushing around to get things accomplished. I am trying to be more deliberate. I live alone, and like it. I don't want to end up injured and add dependency to the mix that makes up my new normal. Post surgery life is not a return to pre surgery realities. Good O2, no regular bouts of pneumonia or even bronchitis. Not so good things... truly tired all the time , no energy and cant sleep worth a darn, worried about things that never bothered me before,still having to eat really small meals to have room for air and food both at the same time and coughing up amazing amounts of phlegm. Mucinex isn't a prescription drug and costs the earth. Give me a minute and I'll think of other things to complain about. Sigh.
I need a new attitude to go along with my new normal. I am pretty sure I used to be grateful and hopeful.
Maybe venting will help. It's been a long ,lonely recovery from LVRS in a pandemic that has grounded me totally, without any social life, and it hasnt brought the best out in me.
I decided I would just write whatever came to me and this is it. Its funny...I feel kind of bad for not putting a better face on things 😀 More will be revealed."

  1. Hi Susan! We all have days we need to vent! Feel free to do it here because we understand how you feel. Congratulations on no oxygen! That’s fantastic! I would love to get rid of that hose! I can’t have the procedure though. I don’t know much about the recovery time. Have you talked to your doctor about the fatigue? Are you allowed to exercise? That will usually energize the body... like getting out for a walk and soaking up some nature. Most surgeries are traumatizing to our body, so I would make a list of questions for you doctor, and please be careful about falling.

    Carol (moderator)

  2. Hi susan1006, and thanks for letting us know that you are feeling better following the lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS), you had last summer. I see my colleague, Carol, has already responded to you. She provided some excellent suggestions. I do hope you have an opportunity to look them over.

    It's always good when one is doing better following a procedure than was anticipated. For me, I've always been grateful when my health improves following any type of treatment, major or minor.
    How are you feeling now? Would you say your activities of daily living have improved as well?

    I will tell you that I am happy that you were able to share your success with the community. We appreciate your feedback.

    Warm regards,
    Leon (site moderator

  3. . thanks for taking the time to share all of this with us. You are managing a lot right now. I was touched by what you said "I need a new attitude to go along with my new normal. I'm pretty sure I used to be grateful and hopeful." I imagine that you will be grateful and hopeful again, but I think that it's reasonable and normal to feel the feelings you are feeling now, too. Thanks so much for taking the time to vent with us, we appreciate hearing from you. Warmly, Melanie (team member)