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"I am doing good. Sometimes when I have been doing something for so long, I tend to forget where it all started and why.
In my early 60s, my ENT suggested I get a blood test because I had recurrent, chronic sinus infections. Considering I was still smoking then, it didn't surprise. I had my blood drawn and never thought more of it until my doctor's office called and informed me that my lab results were abnormal, and he had referred me to an immunologist.
I was seen by the immunologist, and he showed me my laboratory results. When the "gibberish" was explained to me, I was in awe. I don't know why I lived that long. To understand it, this is how it was explained to, "Joe, you are getting these infections because you are missing a particular sub cell", you have too many generals and not enough Indians (no disrespect intented). In short, the cells I needed to fight infections (and still are) far below of acceptable norms.
He recommended a monthly intravenous solution of Immunoglobulin G, Qn, Serum to increase my blood count. I started receiving monthly IV infusions, referred to as IVIG. The current benchmark laboratory values are 600 to 1613 at my current lab.
Since "coming home" to Arizonian, I have had the misfortune of having 3–4 exacerbations a year. I receive my monthly IVIG at a cancer center, where a full-time Hematologist is on staff, along with an Internal Medicine Physician. It is common practice here to have monthly lab tests to find out what my "count" was. Every month, my labs were below the 600 count threshold.
Dr. Sindhu, our Hematologist, called me into his office and asked me about my hospitalizations and reviewed my lab work. He asked me if I would be willing to work with him to 1) get my count up, and 2) reduce the hospitalizations. I didn't hesitate. He explained to me, he was going to increase my minium IG levels every month, until I maintained an acceptable level of IG. Every month he would increase my IG (after knowing what me blood count was). Since August 2023, I have not been hospitalized (because of my COPD) or, better yet, did not have any exacerbations since. My minium blood count has to be above 900 in order not to receive the IVIG. We are still working on increasing my count, as there is a lot of room for improvement. Just the fact to be off all the antibiotics and not feeling under the weather all the time is wonderful. Especially, if you have all the co-morbidities I have.
My wife has recurrent UTI's, and I asked Dr. Sindhu if he would see her. Which he has done, and now my wife is on IVIG.
My update, by no means, means you should run out to your doctor and expect similar results. I only identify it here because it is another piece of the puzzle, in our quest to improve our health. Thank you."

  1. Wonderful to hear that you finally found something that is helping to give you relief! I know it can be a long journey, that. In my own chronic illness path I had to wait almost 30 years to find a medicine combination that worked. Much damage was done by then, but at least I don't have to deal with active disease doing more damage now! Have to focus on the positive, right? You are not alone! Keep on keepin' on, DPM

  2. Just want to offer you a pat on the back, if I may ... there are a lot of people that may have seen those IG numbers and decided it was too big of a hurdle to navigate. I am so glad you didn't give up and aren't giving up! Your doctor sounds like a stellar person to have in your corner. Clearly he is working hard for both you and your wife.

    Is there a specific diagnosis that you're being treated with the IVIG for? I'm not familiar with it, but we do have a number of other sites like this one, and I'd be happy to give you some extra resources if we have them. Be well! -Melissa, team member

  3. Hi Melissa. Thanks for the comeback. Only thing I know, is a defiency with the White Blood Cells. Looking over my lab work, I would say the MCH, and MCHC.
    I do require Packed Cells infusion about twice a year. My Hemoglobin gets real low and I start leg cramping from lack of O2. The two I referenced above, I can only remember small parts of what they stand for. I have been away from medicine now 26 years (I retired in 1999).
    Again, thank you.

  4. I apologize, I would appreciate the resources you mentioned in you note. Thanks. Joe