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"Diagnosed with COPD 4 years ago. Says it is very mild. Since then, went through almost 1 1/2 years of monthly staph aureous infections in my lungs. Also currently have a mycobacterium happily residing in my lungs, but infectious disease specialist says it doesn't cause any harm. Still, I cough up "tons" of phlegm every day, most of it benign in color but some of it a dark yellow. Fell three weeks ago and bruised or broke a rib. Now when I wake up in the morning and sit up on the edge of the bed, it feels like my chest muscles are not working and I can't take a deep breath.....or any breath. It is the most horrifying feeling ever. I get some relief by taking 0.5mg of lorazepam but also using a duoneb. Help. I can't go on living with this. I am at the point that I am afraid to sleep because of the unrestraining panic when I wake. "


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  • Member Since 2019


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