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Removing Humidity From the Home for COPD

Watching out for humidity wasn’t one of the things we though about when mom was first diagnosed with chronic lung disease. As time went on, we came to understand that the hot and humid days of summer were not easy for her to get out and move around in. That got us all to thinking about how humidity in general could bother her. It made sense that there were a lot of side effects from breathing moist air. It took time, and some sleuth work, but we were able to address many issues. By thinking about removing humidity from the home for COPD, we figured it out.

Using proper steps to help make the air a little less heavy for her to breathe meant she was more active, happier, and healthier. Lord knows, we wanted mama happy.

Removing Moisture From Your Home

Ventilate Appliances – Your kitchen may be the place with the highest humidity, especially during meal time. If you are cooking on a stove top, be sure and use the overhead vent, It can pull moist air out, and allow you to spend more time in your kitchen. Running the dishwasher can also create moisture in your home. The vent a hood can help with that too. Also, consider the dryer location and good ventilation.

Bathroom Vents – Many modern homes come with a built in vent that is turned on with the bathroom light. Mom’s older home did not have one. It became a topic of discussion, but then she would always argue that the place was too big for her to take care of anyway. In the end, she moved and lived in nice apartments for several years. Then she moved to a housing complex where she had a duplex. They were fairly new and had vents in both bathrooms. It was nice for her to be able to soak in the tub without having as many problems breathing.

Air Conditioning – Whether it is a window unit or HVAC, forced air is a big help! By keeping your house cool, you will experience less problems with breathing. A lot of that is because the unit itself will dry the air out, making it easier to breathe. Timing– If you are going to be heating or cooking items on the stove, wait until later to wash your dishes. It may be best to push the start button just before you go to sleep. That way you will not be up and around to experience the moisture in the air. The same thing can be done with the dryer. By staggering the use of indoor appliances, you can minimize the risk of breathing difficulty. Dry them at night unless you are drying clothing that needs to be folded quickly.

Of course, mom got to where she thought it was a good idea for us to come over and help her with the laundry. She would wait to dry a load when we were there. Over time, the same became true of cooking. If we didn’t come help, she would not feel cared for. It makes me laugh to remember our family times and all the ways we learned to help her breath easier and live many years longer with COPD.

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