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COPD Moments That Can Be Avoided and How to Prevent Them

A gallant is a person living with COPD who does everything right. While we all aspire to be gallant COPD patients, most of us have our goofus moments. Let's explore these moments together along with what a gallant would do to make things better.

Moment #1. Empty Inhaler

Oh no! Your rescue inhaler is empty, and it's no wonder your lungs are feeling unhappy. Based on community conversations, it's clear I'm not the only one who has experienced this.

How to avoid an empty inhaler

To avoid this situation, one helpful strategy is to monitor the counter on your inhaler. Most rescue inhalers start with 200 puffs, so when the dose counter hits 20, it's a good signal to start thinking about getting a new one.

Another precautionary measure is having a backup plan. Personally, my backup plan includes a nebulizer with pre-mixed albuterol ampules. There have been times when my inhaler ran out, and I had no replacement, but having a nebulizer allowed me to continue managing my symptoms effectively.

Moment #2: Ignoring COPD exacerbation warning signs

We all know the story: deeply engrossed in a project, determined to see it through, you sense your chest tightening. You feel the shortness of breath, and notice a sneeze or a runny nose. Despite these signals, you press on. Suddenly, you find yourself in a full-fledged flare-up.

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It's a scenario anyone with a lung disease may encounter at least once – a normal part of the learning curve. However, goofus is when it happens a second and then a third time. Ignoring subtle symptoms like increased shortness of breath or changes in coughing patterns can lead to a potential worsening of COPD.

How to recognize early warning signs

A more prudent strategy involves recognizing these early warning signs, pausing your activities, and adhering to your COPD action plan. It's about being proactive in managing your condition rather than risking further complications by pushing through symptoms.

Moment #3: Being unprepared

A goofus has no COPD action plan. Even when early warning signs are evident, a goofus is left uncertain about what steps to take when symptoms occur.

Make an action plan

In contrast, a gallant COPD patient is armed with a plan – a COPD action plan. These plans guide you in deciding what actions to take when symptoms arise. Whether it's adjusting your treatment regimen or contacting your doctor, the plan simplifies decision-making.

Having a well-thought-out plan in place streamlines decision-making during critical moments, preventing severe COPD flare-ups. Be the gallant COPD warrior who faces each challenge with foresight, ensuring you're always one step ahead in managing your condition!

Moment #4: Forgetting to take your controller medicine

Or, perhaps, you can't recall if you've taken them. As many of us are aware, controller medicines are crucial for keeping our airways open long-term, contributing to the happiness of our lungs. Neglecting to take these medications can lead to less content lungs.

How to adhere to your prescribed schedule

The optimal solution is to adhere faithfully to your prescribed schedule for controller inhalers, though we acknowledge that it's easier said than done. Some in our community use phone alarms as a helpful reminder, while others have their unique strategies.
Additionally, consider the convenience of setting your prescription on auto-refill or opting for delivery services for your controller inhalers. Many pharmacies offer delivery options, making it easy and convenient for YOU to stay on top of your medication routine.

Moment 5: Skipping Regular Check-ups

Skipping regular doctor visits, as goofus does, means missing out on crucial monitoring and adjustments to COPD management. This increases the risk of experiencing flare-ups and potentially needing emergency room visits or hospital stays.

Prioritize regular visits to the doctor

A more effective strategy involves prioritizing regular visits to your doctor. This proactive approach allows for continuous monitoring, timely adjustments to your COPD management plan, and the potential prevention of exacerbations. Regular check-ups empower you to stay ahead of potential complications and maintain better control over your respiratory health.

Be a prepared COPD patient

In the realm of COPD, goofus moments are inevitable. And they serve as opportunities for improvement. A gallant COPD patient embraces challenges with proactive strategies. From monitoring inhalers to recognizing early signs and prioritizing check-ups, adopting these actions enhances control over your condition.

It's not about perfection but resilience. Be gallant, empower yourself, and breathe easier. Here's to a journey of COPD wellness!

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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