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Good afternoon, all! It's been a good few weeks since I last wrote. Time certainly goes quickly, especially when things occupy you. Hope everyone has had a good few breathe-easy days of late and that you're keeping well and fit.

Exercise and crowds

Hand on heart, I've slipped up on the exercise front. Not intentionally, but some things came up and I was preoccupied. No excuses though - I have set up all my things for tomorrow. My journal has been empty for at least 10 days so will be interesting to see how this reboot goes. I've learned to not beat myself up for not exercising. Sometimes it's just things that happen which are out of your control.

Our town is a lot busier now since lockdown has been loosened a bit. This has made it stressful for me to go out and about. Hubby did get me out for a couple of hours today in the wheelchair over the fields nearby. It was quiet and so beautiful to be out in the fresh air and the sun was even out as well.

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I've come to realize how important it is to have time for yourself to do what you want to do on your own terms. My art classes are going really well. I'm loving it, learning new things, and giving myself a challenge. You never know until you try!

My body can tell I've slipped on the exercise front - I am definitely out of breath more and I feel sluggish. It doesn't really matter when you exercise, you do it to suit yourself, so I plan on exercising around 10 am after light breakfast and plenty of fluids.

What we have in common

Although we're all different, the one thing we have in common is COPD. We're all at different stages on our journey, facing different types of lung conditions. Some of us may be underweight while others might be overweight. But what we share is the need to look after ourselves - to eat healthily and to keep ourselves active by exercising. Sharing our stories and ideas is so important too. We have to let people know they're not on their own.

Moving forward

It is so easy to get into a rut and let ourselves go, especially with the situation we all find ourselves in right now. But we need to pick ourselves up and keep plodding forward. The excitement of doing a 20 or 30-minute workout is so exciting. To feel the adrenaline pumping through your body is amazing. It's so awakening and that smile comes back on your face. You have excitingly talked yourself into exercising!

Life picks you up and once again you are on the right path moving forward. Don't look back just yet - keep going forward and enjoy the feeling of achievement, mentally along with physically. The negative feelings have now passed and the rocky road is sliding into the distance. The path is even underneath your feet. Your road ahead is smoother and easier. You have lifted yourself up from being preoccupied and now can conquer whatever life throws at you!

Editor's Note: We are heartbroken to share that Debz passed away in October of 2021. She is deeply missed but her positivity and resilience live on through her articles. Thank you for everything, Debz.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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