an adult woman holds a big heart with four generations of family in it.

I Didn’t Think My Heart Could Get Any Bigger

Too often, we may barter for more time when coping with a chronic illness. We might not see it as bartering. Maybe we are just hoping and planning.

I remember repeatedly saying to myself and praying, “I want to live long enough to see my great-grandchildren.” Now I’m backpedaling. "I want to live long enough to see more great-grandchildren."

Looking froward to the future

More, you ask? Yes, more. We have a lot of grandchildren. Eighteen, to be exact.

My daughter and her family came to see us one week ago today.

It has been well over a year since we saw them. I was so excited.

Then, the door opened, and I heard a “hello”! Everyone came in, and I stopped short.

My great-granddaughter walked in, and I reached for her and held her in my arms. Everyone was concerned that I might fall or even drop her, so someone walked with me over to a recliner.

Adeline was 1 ½ month old. It’s hard to believe that they had to induce labor because of developments in her health and my granddaughter's. Both are doing well.

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Adeline was just perfect. She was so snuggly and adorable.

She had a lot of black hair and blue eyes. It sure looked like she smiled at me a few times. She did pass gas a few minutes later, but I’m sure it was a smile.

I couldn’t resist snuggling with her. She is perfect.

We took pictures of us, Adeline with her mom and dad and our four generations of children. These beautiful memories I will hold onto forever.

Now, I pray to see my great granddaughter and others that may come for many years. With gas prices and other obstacles we are facing in our world, we will go with the flow.

Flexible, that’s a good word. Seeing my great-granddaughter in person lets me know that my dream came true, and that was just the beginning.

This is a reminder that I need to take better care of myself. This is so I have time for Adeline and future great-grandbabies, as well as for our family.

Moving more

Exercise is a must, and I must commit to doing it regularly. This is something that I have been enjoying. There is so much satisfaction in knowing I can do more stretching and strengthening exercises.

Did you know that by exercising regularly, a person might slow the progression of their disease? I also need to spend more time building stamina with exercise.

Stamina will come mainly from walking around the house, on the treadmill, outside, or riding my redundant exercise bike. I need to increase my time every other day. Even if it’s just 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and more.

How exciting that I can tell the difference in strengthening exercises by my breathing, how I feel, and my appearance.

My diet has slowed down. To date, I have lost 26 pounds. I’m so excited and encouraged to keep dropping weight. That means that I need to do something different to lose. I must be more careful about what I eat.

I joined Weight Watchers. They have good plans and offer support. Support that’s something that I need. This will help to create a healthier me.

There is a noticeable change in my breathing already. Imagine what I can hopefully do as I continue to lose weight and continue to take better care of myself.

Looking forward to the future

Not only will I breathe better, but I will also have more stamina to do things. I will take breaks, so I'm not overdoing, but I'm getting some things done. I still carry my rescue inhaler with me and pace myself.

There are many things that I have wanted to do with my family.

I've always wanted to do something special with my grandchildren, and so much time has passed. Some are scattered around the United States.

Maybe with my great-grandchildren and whoever else would like to come. I see many beautiful days and years ahead.

I need to care for my health to be all I can be.

It's so important to take the best care of myself. This is something that you need to do as well.

How about you? Do you have anything that you might like to share or discuss?

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