Outline of a person curled up with their hands over their ears surrounded by red starbursts.

A Period of Change

It feels like our world is going a bit crazy!

This article isn’t about politics. It’s about a time in our lives when it can affect a person’s physical or emotional health.

These possible stressors might cause your heart to go a bit whacky or cause shortness of breath, dizziness, and more.

We must realize that so many things are happening around us that we cannot control. There is the news, elections, war, crime, unrest, drugs, Covid-19, finances, rising costs, and so much more. It’s unsettling what's happening around us.

Sometimes I want to throw a tantrum. Imagine me lying on the floor and kicking my feet. That reminds me of kids in the grocery store lying in the aisles.

Yet, I know it’s important to put all these overwhelming thoughts out of my mind. How about you? What can we do?

How we can maintain control during difficult times

We can vote, talk with someone, and avoid the news. It’s important to realize that not everyone thinks as we do.

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How people see different things makes a person wonder, even when voting. That's a reminder of our uniqueness.

This uniqueness makes each of us important. It draws us to family, marriage, and children.

What the future holds, we won’t know until it happens. We can hope, pray and/or meditate that whatever happens is for the best.

We know that we can slow our rapid hearts and irregular breathing when we hear or feel something that seems wrong or scary. It’s important because your health depends on it.

Stress can affect your overall health. It can wear you down. It really can affect your heart, lungs, and more.

We have to be prepared for emergencies. After all, the news and politicians talk about prices going up and that we may go without.

What we can do to stay prepared

  • Make sure that you refill your prescriptions when you can. Find out if they deliver it that’s easier for you.
  • Are you having difficulties paying for your medications? Go to the website for your medication and see if they offer coupons or if you can apply for assistance on their site.
  • Get groceries as you can. Do they offer coupons? Are you a senior? If so, they may give a discount on a certain day. Around here, senior citizens get a 10% discount at the grocery stores on Wednesdays. Check these things out. Go generic if it makes it more affordable.
  • Freeze the extras. If it’s difficult for you to go to the store, ask if they deliver.
  • Are you struggling to pay your heat bill or other utilities? Ask for energy assistance.

Have phone numbers handy. You never know when you might need them.

  • Doctor
  • Hospital
  • Pharmacy
  • Social Services
  • Meals on Wheels or other food delivery services. Social services can advise.
  • Therapist. You might need to talk with someone if you are struggling with depression. Maybe you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts.

Also, be sure to have these lists handy:

  • Medication list
  • DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) if you have one, which is to be given to your doctor, hospital, and ambulance
  • Emergency contacts. Have their names, addresses, phone numbers, and other contact information.
  • List of all of the above, as well as names and phone numbers for five contacts.
  • Support system: names, phone #s, internet contacts and support people

Handling stress

Some things in life can feel overwhelming. What can you do?

  • Turn off the tv or at least change the channel
  • Exercise
  • Meditate and/or pray
  • Talk to a friend
  • See a counselor or therapist
  • Schedule a doctor appointment
  • If you need something now, don't hesitate to go to the ER.

Remember to breathe. Inhale 1, 2, 3. Exhale 1, 2, 3, 4.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The COPD.net team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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