A Different Kind of Thermostat: Part 2

When my husband is going out to mow or haul something, I tell him, "I'll be right out to help." His response was, "yeah, right."

That comment is in teasing and jest. He also knows I can't do much except get in the way. I stop and take it all in. I turn and walk back into the house. However, if there is a need, I will be out there.

I am either always hot or always cold

Later on, brrr, I was cold. I asked my hubby if he was too. "No, I'm fine." He tells me what the room temp is. I reply, "That's good. I can add clothes". If he adjusts the thermostat, it gets stuffier and harder to breathe.

Sometimes others likely think that it seems that there is no satisfying me. I understand, but I think it's confusing to those who do not live in this body.

Winter comes. I'm so hot. It's stuffy. Hubby's comfortable.

If he's warm, the temperature must be suitable. I also need the heat for my below-the-neck joints and muscle pain.

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I step outside and gulp. I wasn't prepared for that cold, penetrating the light wrapping around my face.

It's crazy. I don't get out very often. Looking out the window doesn't give me the reality of outdoor temps that can affect a person.

Especially when we run heat or air conditioning most of the time. My seasons seem off sometimes. Imagine that.

I'm dressed in sweatpants, with a t-shirt under a cardigan, and I'm chilly indoors. It throws me off when it's 75% outside, humid, and allergy warnings are on the weather sites. 

It's like flying to Florida from South Dakota and knowing that it's hot and I'm overdressed.

I did find one positive, though, which may be kooky. When breathing indoors is tough, I have put my head outside the door in the winter.

That cold, brisk air does help, especially if I'm recovering from humidity, possibly from the shower or dishwasher. I'm only there for about 30 seconds, and I have also put my head in my refrigerator freezer, too.

Needing an inhaler to exercise

I need air, fresh air to breathe. No, I don't advocate anyone doing this.

Each person is different, and what might be okay for me might harm you. Besides, when I told my doctor about it, he gave me a sideways glance to see if I was serious.

I was, and he knows me well enough to know I would do that. In any climate, my rescue inhaler is most important.

Because of my COPD and asthma, my doctor advised that I use my inhaler before exercising. Going up the steps is considered exercise.

Exercise is likely a time of need for my Pro-Air inhaler, and that's for sure. The treadmill and redundant bikes are good movers and users.

It would help if you discussed these things with your doctor before trying and doing it.

Not realizing any of this before, it's interesting for me to know it now. I remember science class in high school. It was terrible, my grades anyway. I struggled.

I stand by my belief that my body, inside and out, can predict the rain.

Regretting not taking better care of myself

This late in life, I look back and wish I could have learned more and taken better care of this body. This late in my life, I look back and know I can't turn back the clock.

I know that there is no crystal ball, and I choose to be happy and content, no matter what would have been.

I can still learn to realign my life to the one that is the possible me, the real me. Hopefully, that knowledge can be shared and maybe even contagious and someone else can use it as well.

Here is hoping that you have a breath-easy day and night.

Read part one here.

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