COPD Mystic: Predicting Our Future

The COPD mystic is an old friend of mine. He looks like he’s about 30, though I am told he’s more like 800 years old. Do they just say that to imply that he’s wise beyond his years? He’s a sage, so to speak. Either way, I met up with him recently. Our discussion this time centered on our disease: COPD.

COPD in the future

The year 2050

I decided to get right down to it. To start our conversation, I asked the question we all yearn to know the answer to: “So,” I said, as I sat on a carpet facing my old friend who sat cross-legged, “what will it be like living with COPD in the year 2050? Will our disease even exist in 2050?”

Looking ahead

He closed his eyes. His lips curled into a “u” shaped smile. He flared his arms to each side palm sides out. He curled his thumb and pointer finger into what looked like a C. As he sat there, seemingly looking into the future, I couldn’t help but think that “C” was for “CURE.”

A cure

As though right on cue, his lips started moving. He said, “Breaking news: A cure for COPD has been found.” He paused briefly, then said, “I believe it is first reported by WNN. I think that’s a station that does not exist yet. Yes. It’s the World News Network. It’s later confirmed and reported on by Fox News, followed by CNN. Will Smith talks about it later that night. His show is called Will Smith Live.

How does it happen?


“How does it get cured?” I said. He made a humming sound, and slowly waved his arms up over his head, then back down. As he did so, it almost seemed as though he was holding an inhaler. Not sure if I was seeing things, or if my mind was just playing tricks on me. Or if it was magic. Yes. It was magic.

Genetics and stem cells

Again, as though he were reading my mind, he said, “It is not by magic that a cure is found.” He spoke softly, to the point he was barely audible. “I do believe it is by genetic research that a cure is found. There is also a stem cell component. I do believe, after years of studying genetics, researchers find ways of blocking the chemicals that contribute to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.”

Heed my warning

“Are they able to regrow the lungs?” I asked. His eyes popped open. His dark, deep-set eyes set right in line with my own eyes. “I warn you. Be careful with this information. You must not use it unwisely. All who have a chronic disease must work with their doctors to find the best treatment. Heed my warning. Those with COPD must heed my warning.” “Yes!” I said.

Treatments on the way

He closed his eyes once more. There was a long pause, long enough for me to wonder if I had overstepped my bounds with him. He said, “I will say this. Researchers are looking for answers in the right places. There are better treatments coming soon. There is hope!”

Meeting with the mystic

With that, he opened his eyes, relaxed his arms, and said, “I have said enough. Now go!” Yet before I could move, he disappeared in a PUFF of smoke.

It’s always exciting to speak with the mystic. His wisdom is beyond what any of us can comprehend. I certainly would like to hope what he says comes true. What do you think?

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