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a woman looks up from her journal to see a pair of lungs also journaling

The Changes Continue

Do you notice your changes? I don't necessarily think about them until that day comes when I can no longer or really struggle to do that job.


I've noticed I am struggling more to get the clothes out of the washing machine. I now sort the washing into a pile by what goes on the line first and what goes on the line the last. I no longer use a washing basket, but put the washing over my shoulders so a lot less bending is involved. It's not been easy over the last 16 months with COVID. A lot of my support is given to me over the phone. I know I'm lucky to have support but the lack of face-to-face contact is starting to get to me.

More changes coming

I'm still very cautious when I go out, and though I know I can be classified exempt from needing to wear a face mask, I still wear one; especially when going into town and shops. I think this will be the new norm for me anyway.

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We're now looking to move again. We moved to this home due to the severity of my COPD not being able to do stairs. We jumped at this bungalow without realizing how small it is. The bedroom is too small as a bedroom or lounge so we have had to buy a bed sofa which is definitely not ideal. We couldn't do anything about this until now due to all the restrictions.

Other considerations

I'm now waiting on a spinal block that can't come soon enough. Due to the severity of arthritis in my spine and nerve damage, I'm limited with exercise. Oh my gosh, I have so missed it. Exercise was the answer to all my frustrations whether physical or mental. My answer to feeling good inside and outside. Maybe the problem with getting the washing out of the machine will ease when I can start exercising again.

I've also started to practice the COPD breathing techniques and noticed I had been doing it backward so that definitely didn't help. So breathing out and then bending to do something pretty low helps a lot especially with the pursed-lip breathing techniques.

Answers and puzzles

While writing this, I think I have found a lot of things that can be my answers. Yes, my COPD is very severe so I do expect to be out of breath. But when I all of a sudden feel it's gotten a lot worse, my breathing techniques were there to help me.

I do find when I am anxious, my mind wanders, my concentration is awful, and I do go into a funk. If you do feel something is not right, sit down and write what you have been doing and check to see if you're doing your pursed-lip breathing. It really does benefit you and opens up the airways pumping the oxygen around your body. It is surprising what you could be doing wrong. I just noticed a lot of what I was doing was definitely wrong.

Editor's Note: We are heartbroken to share that Debz passed away in October of 2021. She is deeply missed but her positivity and resilience live on through her articles. Thank you for everything, Debz.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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