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Unremitting mucus

I'd appreciate any advice on controlling the mucus coming from my lungs. It's gross. I go through at least one large box of tissue a day just hacking it up.

Thus far nebulizer and inhalers don't seem to affect it.


  1. Hi Caroly,

    That's a tough one, as it's one of those symptoms of COPD that can be very difficult to deal with. However, there are a couple of things you can do.

    For one thing, make sure you stay very hydrated. I know it seems like that's almost counter-productive, but it helps to thin the mucous so that at least it's easier to get out. It may not lessen it, but it'll probably make it easier to deal with.

    Also, there comes a point when it may be a good idea to ask your doctor for a mucolytic. They are medications that thin mucous and make it easier to cough up. Many times it's not something you have to be on forever - just long enough to get it under control. But, that would be up to the MD.

    You can also try nasal spray - that's not as likely to do the trick, but it may help a little.

    The last thing i can think of is diet. There is some evidence to suggest that certain foods are more likely to increase mucous production. A few on that list are eggs, dairy, heavily fried foods, and soy products. Much of that is up for debate, but if it's worth it to you, you could experiment with removing an item at a time from your diet to see if it works.

    I hope some of that helps!

    Lyn (moderator)

    1. Hi Caroly and thanks for your post.
      I see that Lyn has provided a comprehensive set of suggestions to help you deal with the excessive mucus production you described. These should be of great help to you moving forward.

      We have a wealth of information on our website as well. This link will direct you to many good articles we have published on the subject:
      Please don't try to read them all at once, that may prove to be overwhelming. I thought you might want to keep them as reference material and read them as time permits.

      Please check back with us and let us know how you're doing.
      All the best,
      Leon (site moderator)

      1. Thank you both for your kind help. I'm trying hot tea in the morning now. Carol

        1. It's our pleasure, Caroly. Enjoy the tea!
          Leon (site moderator)

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