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Spotlight on... Weather!

Whether it's the heat and humidity or wind and the cold... we hear from many community members that weather can strongly affect their COPD. Does this happen to you? Have you found any tips or tricks to cope with it? Please join the conversation here!

  1. Janet Plank, you covered all that I know.
    Anybody else?

    1. Hi Wheezy,

      In addition to what Leon and Janet posted above, I thought you might be interested in these articles on weather and COPD as well:, and

      I hope these are helpful! And if you haven't seen it yet, you may want to check out our "Spotlight on Weather," which is the topic of the month this month!

      Jenn ( Team)

  2. Just over a year ago, our own posted an article providing community feedback on COPD and the weather. Not only is there a listing of some of the common responses, but there is a compilation of other articles from the COPD staff on the same topic!
    I thought this would be a good place to link that article:
    I think you'll find it makes interesting and informative reading.
    All the best,
    Leon (site moderator)

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