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What are the effects to a COPD who has been wrongfully receiving asthma treatment for 4 years?

  1. AnnaTibijuka - that's a great question. To put your mind at ease, there are a lot of similarities in the treatments. Therefore it's possible that many of the medications and treatments you were being prescribed for asthma will be the same or similiar with COPD.

    Do you have a pulmonologist? If you do, they'll probably do a few basic breathing tests to determine your baseline and start a treatment plan from that.

    Keep us posted on your progress.

    Lyn (site moderator)

    1. Hi AnnaTibijuka and thanks for your post. Besides the excellent response and sound suggestion Lyn made, I would like to ask if you feel you've been misdiagnosed? What are the circumstances behind you being treated for asthma when, in fact, you said you have COPD?
      Please let us hear back from you.
      Leon (site moderator)

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