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How do I get my children to understand what I'm going through?

I am in the severe stage, my daughter sprays on perfume or burns candles when i have asked her not to, how it makes me feel. She lives with me old enough to know better.

  1. Hi Cherry1960 and thanks for this post. It can be a challenge for family and friends to have more of an understanding as to what you're going through with COPD. It may help for your daughter to read up on the issues with which you are concerned.
    First, I thought this article on avoiding COPD triggers might be of some help: https.://
    Leon (site moderator)

    1. And second, Cherry, I thought this article on explaining COPD to family and friends might help too:

      Wishing you the best,
      Leon (site moderator)

  2. i dont feel anyone "really gets it" unless they too experience the same. They can see the struggles and sympathize and try to help but they dont see the other struggles inside our minds, the anguish, feelings of hopelessness that come and go and that I myself try to hide when my adult kids come to visit as I try to make it as it once was, before my diagnosis but sooner or later, time to time, they see the struggle with me walking back from the kitchen or bathroom, tripping over my oxygen tubing, breathless, nearly in tears, as i reach for my inhaler, feeling inside i am smothering......then they react, get up, concerned, trying to help........i just dont feel anyone will totally understand fully.......yet i hope and pray my kids never are diagnosed so they do. Life can be difficult at best.

    1. , we hear you! It is so hard for people to understand what someone with COPD is living with unless they have experienced that themselves. Fortunately, in our community, you are surrounded by those who get it and we are here to offer you any support we can. You are not alone here! Best, Sam S. (COPD team).

  3. I’m a daughter of a parent with copd. I’m so sorry you’re going through this, all of it. Though we can never truly understand what living with copd is like, I think family members should be understanding, sympathetic, empathetic and respectful, without question. My advice would be to maybe get some articles together or pamphlets together and if she will, sit down and read them with her, or maybe take her with you to a dr appointment so she can hear it from the dr and hopefully that will help her be more understanding. ❤️

    1. To all the people in this post. I suggest showing your love ones the responses in this post. said it best. She is describing exactly what I've been going through. My daughter can't seem to grasp just what I'm dealing with. No empathy. Unfortunately. She has been a smoker for the past 30+ yrs and refuses to quit. I hope she will understand before this terrible disease gets ahold of her.

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