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"My husband suffers from c.o.pd.hes 59 yrs old needs oxygen 75% of the time..he cant go out or any physical activity because he runs out of air..hes cery depressed..what can i do?"

  1. Hi needgoodhelp58, and thanks for your post. We hear you! Sometimes, as a wife/caregiver, it can be extremely challenging to watch a loved one struggling with this condition.
    You may want to start by discussing your very real concerns (for your husband), with his physician. The doctor should be able to guide you in terms of medical care (for the COPD), as well as how to manage the depression.
    I thought, in addition to speaking with the doctor, you might want to read up on the depression that can be associated with COPD. We do have a number of articles, published right here on, which focuses on this very topic. Here is just one of them to get started with:
    Should you be interested in more information, please let me or any other moderator / team member know.
    As well, please do check back and keep us apprised of your husband's progress.
    Wishing you well,
    Leon (site moderator

  2. As a person with COPD, what helped me the most was pulmonary rehab. The increased physical activity, education and being around others with the same disease showed me life was not hopeless. As Leon said, reach out anytime with questions.

    Carol (moderator)

  3. Hi Carol - thanks so much for chiming in here and sharing your own personal experience, outlook, and positive outcome with pulmonary rehabilitation.
    I'm hopeful that our member, , will see your post and this one as well. Here I will provide her with the link to an excellent article on the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation, to underscore your comment:
    Hope you are doing well!
    Leon (site moderator