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Thinking positive!

I just can't get myself motivated.My husband does everything for me,
I know that I need to excercise but just walking to the loo makes me breathless.

  1. You are far from alone, . It can be really hard to find motivation when you know that every little thing is going to be a challenge. Maybe you can start small. Have you ever done chair exercises? Here is a really good article that might help you get started: As you begin to gain stamina, you might find that your motivation improves. I hope this helps. Thinking of you and sending lots of gentle hugs your way. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Thank you so much for your help,I have never actually met anyone else with cop d and desperately need to talk to someone who understands.

      1. Hi - You have certainly come to the right place! Here at, we are all about all aspects of COPD. Everyone here within the community understands just how you feel and knows exactly what you are going through, too!
        If there is anything we can do to assist you, please let me or any other moderator/team member know. You are always welcome here!

        All the best,
        Leon L (author/moderator)

        1. Hey there! My heart goes out to you for the difficulty you face in exercising. It can be so hard when you seem to be fighting your own body. Lori made a great suggestion of chair exercises. Also, you might find pulmonary rehabilitation useful. It can help you improve on whatever your current capabilities are, as well as teach you techniques for managing breathlessness and anxiety. Here's an article that talks about it in more detail:

          For now, keep doing the best you can. Maybe you can take one extra walk to the bathroom, or simply stand at your seat and stretch. It's all valuable, and anything you do is worth the effort! We are here to cheer you on. Sending a hug to you today! -Melissa, copd team

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